iHire Business Spotlight Westminster Communities of Florida

Westminster Communities serves more than 7,000 residents in 22 communities throughout Florida, which means they also...


Interviewing for leadership position

Interviews for leadership positions are very different than other interviews. Learn what the most common leadership...


smiling woman with hologram and other computer images in front of her

What jobs will AI replace? Are there AI-proof jobs? Learn how to embrace this technology and future-proof your career.


Young accountant enjoying the accounting career she has chosen.

Check out these five accounting career paths and decide whether you'd like to work as a tax accountant, auditor,...


people meeting at a networking event

Did you recently attend a networking event? Your work has just begun to build your network! Check out iHire’s...


man working from home with dog

Follow these tips to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work/life balance when working remotely.


hand pressing a button that says "career change"

If you’re thinking of changing career paths but are unsure how to change industries, these anecdotes and firsthand...


With a great outfit and good positioning, this professional has a winning headshot.

Job seekers often wonder how to take a professional headshot or even what to wear for a professional headshot....


Successful CEO giving inspirational speech to employees

While most of us have likely given up our childhood dream of being President by now, there are other types of...


Check out these seven tips for staying healthy at work!

Staying healthy at work is not as difficult as it seems – read these seven great office health tips to help you feel...


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