Editor proofreading a resume and marking mistakes in red pen

While we'd like everything we write to be error-free, it is absolutely crucial for today's job seeker to have a...


jump-start your job search webinar cover page

Ready to scale up your job search? Learn how our simple-to-use job search tools will help you get hired faster!


Uncertain economy graph

Is it ok to ask for a raise in a recession? Yes, but you need to be careful. Use these tips to negotiate your salary...


Staff and customers inside trendy clothing store

Holiday hiring has begun. Check out the top 5 retail stores hiring for the holiday season and 3 other major...


Employee talking to boss about career development

Talking to your boss can be a great way to advance your career. Learn questions to ask your boss about career...


Woman highlighting words in job ad

Unlike chemical formulas or parts of speech, there is no hard-and-fast rule for identifying these critical terms. So...


Twitter on laptop and mobile phone

Twitter is one of the largest and fastest growing social media networking sites. It is an online microblogging...


ihire 2025 job search planner and checklist

Download your free copy of iHire’s 2025 Job Search Planner and Checklist today! Our job search guide walks you...


Kevin McCloskey Featured FYN Podcast

Lori Cole talks about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hiring practices with Disability Solutions’ Kevin McCloskey...


Coworkers celebrating

Communication is a top soft skill for job seekers. Learn how to improve your communication skills to stand out in...


College graduate in robes posing for a photo

About to start your new graduate job search? Check out this job search advice for recent graduates.


Job ad on laptop that says "Apply Now"

When caught up in the hunt for employment, it can be easy to dismiss a four-week-old job advertisement as “stale” or...


Don't be afraid of applying for a job without all the qualifications

Should I apply for the job? The answer is probably “yes.” Learn the difference between required skills vs. preferred...


Using ai for job search

Should you be using AI for your job search? Discover the benefits of AI, and why you should still be careful.


employee watering a tree

Looking for environmental science careers or “green” jobs? Here’s where to find your next opportunity in the U.S....


Network of people's headshots

Approaching new business contacts can be awkward, but it’s an important part of professional networking. Learn how...


How Can I Age-Proof My Job Search

Overcoming age bias comes down to knowing how to age-proof your job search. iHire Career Advisor Lori Cole shares...


job search check list

iHire is excited to announce the addition of new job management tools to help our users maximize their time as they...


ihire webinar elevate your career with a killer cover letter

Watch this on-demand webinar for expert cover letter writing tips, including the best cover letter intros and how to...


premium webinar

In this Resume Writing 101 lesson, we’ll cover the title and summary section of a resume. Resume titles and...


Showing 561 to 580 of 600 results